Post by Lars VogelStephan, please add your feedback to the Gerrit review.
to create one. There was no "register" link and thus I thought this is
only for people who are already committers.
Post by Lars VogelHi,
Post by Eric WilliamsWe have a patch in gerrit to add support for builder/factory classes
into SWT:
Please take a look if you have a moment!
I think the setters should be named set*().
And perhaps it isn't as nice as it could be. There is no way to switch
from one type of builder to another, and to express the layout of the UI
void createUI(Composite parent) {
There are of course numerous alternative ways for the above, of which
the pros and cons can be discussed. But if the end result is the
possibility for such a construct, it would be nice.
Best regards,
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